The People, Places, and the History of The Northern Neck of VA

  • Arts & Humanities

Featured Artists

Everna Lee Taylor
Photo of Everna Lee Taylor by Jen Holden.

Everna Lee Taylor - The Art of the Story

After a 39 year hiatus, this self taught artist only recently resurrected his innate ability to create his own brand of art. In the course of the revival, Everna believes that the absence of formal training actually worked in his favor. He is void of any inhibitions thus allowing him complete freedom of expression without being shackled to any one style or medium. Actually, Everna has vigorously avoided labels and has never considered himself an artist in the traditional sense. He prefers to be thought of as a “pictorial story teller” The depth and intensity of the stories in his works are limited only by the interpretation of the viewer.  Source: fineartamerica

Jerome Johnson, Artist and Free Hand Muralist

Jerome Johnson has always been a artist…a very talented artist.

I knew Jerome before I knew Jerome.  His brother and sister-in-law walls are beautifully adorned with wonderful pieces of art that I always thought was created by the brother I knew.

But once I started frequenting the Art Central Gallery at 120 Mellen St, Phoebus, VA, one of three galleries of Mr.Everna Lee Taylor, I was knocked out to discover how wrong I have been for decades.

Because of Mr. Taylor, I met, finally, the artist I have admired for decades, and witnessed the creation of a beautiful mural Mr. Johnson created for the gallery, with me documenting, for the most part, the creative process, in the extreme heat in the humid prone city by the Chesapeake Bay in the Hampton Roads area.

Visit Mr Johnson on his Instagram page to view some of his works in the Washington, DC area, where he has been living and teaching since moving there after leaving his hometown of Newport News, VA.

Visit the gallery to see more of his work.

Please watch here  the creation of the mural created by Mr. Johnson. 

Watch his interview below.

A Book & A Movie

Reading a good book supplied by the family library and watching a good movie, first at the drive-in, then on the little small black and white television set my parents owned were our form of entertainment for many a year. When the television set graduated to one that showed color, we thought we had arrived. This page is devoted to the books and movies plus the music that is associated with the important media in the life of “A Pixie From Kilmarnock.”

Music for "A Pixie From Kilmarnock"

The Jukebox

Click on the LP above and listen to the drop!

I love music; who doesn’t?  ‘The Jukebox’ will feature music of all genres, from many sources; the in-house concerts with friends from around the neighborhood, festivals, up and coming artists, oldies, goodies, new wave, jazz, all things sweet to the ear. 

A Tribute From "A Pixie From Kilmarnock"

Jaycee's World

Welcome to Jaycee’s World.

My father wrote beautiful poetry, and intense essays that could rival any Pulitzer’s Prize writer of his time and present day.

It is with pride, love, and respect, that I dedicate this page to my father, who was truly a talented writer.

Click on the pen above to read the unedited works of a writer who was a waterman.

Rural Education

Click on the school bell above and turn to today’s lesson.

Blackboards, chalked-filled erasers, textbooks, lunch pails, wooden desks, or benches.

Hard earned dollars, burning desire, and strong commitment were part of the rural Black education on The Northern Neck.

Ring the bell; it time to start school.

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