To grow up in a very literate family was the greatest gift my parents could give their seven children.
Living so remotely and both parents working long and hard hours, my siblings and I had to make our own entertainment but not so much so that we wouldn’t get our chores done.
Home entertainment was the books my parents read and we eventually read. Both parents were avid readers, Daddy more non-fiction, Mama fiction literature. Both were page to page, cover to cover newspapers and magazine readers. Having books allowed us to explore and pretend that we were somewhere else.
My Dad was a wonderful writer. His children would give him our notebook papers we had used in school so he could write his poetry, essays, and draw his sketches on the back pages. I have his papers of his writings some that have my first grade attempts at spelling one that showed I wasn’t a good speller; horuse for horse… I improved over the years and I also became a writer.