The People, Places, and the History of The Northern Neck of VA

The drink of choice, for the ritual summer crabs eating feast, was the mighty, mighty Northern Neck Ginger Ale or Gingerale pronounced ginger rail if you’re nasty.

If you never tasted a Northern Neck Ginger Ale, even if it wasn’t the original recipe, you missed a treat. The hit of ginger so strong it made your nose sting…the sound of the carbonation as you popped a can or if you are old enough to remember it coming in a glass bottle was the trumpet sounding that you were about to enjoy something special…equal to Mount Olympus s nectar.

Stephanie Johnson’s efforts to take on the corporation that decided that what the people wanted wasn’t as important as their cold hard bottom line revenue projection is highlighted in this interview.

A Pixie From Kilmarnock
Warrior Woman: Stephanie Johnson
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