A warm slice of applesauce cake with a generous helping of butter sauce…from two mothers who loved to cook shared by two daughters who love to eat. Bon appetit!!
For you newbies, oleo was a substitute for butter…use the butter and thank me later.
TIPS: Use butter for oleo. Mrs. Dickie said 50 minutes which means do not start on high. Use a medium setting as to not scald milk mixture from the offset.
This cake recipe is from the can of White House Applesauce which you can’t find anymore; the can or the recipe…so glad my mom wrote this out for me! Do like my Mama tells you to do!!!
My mom’s wonderful applesauce cake! This cake is divine.
Cream shortening, applesauce, egg, sugar together, then add dry mixture into the wet mixture. Add the hot water soda mixture to that, mixing thoroughly. Add nuts and raisins, mixing. Pour into pan. Lick spoon.