The People, Places, and the History of The Northern Neck of VA

Fresh vegetables and fresh can't beat that with a stick!

“We Are Ready For Summer!”

Ok, it is cold!… but I know warmth is around the corner… and if not, I know what makes the cold bearable is the knowledge that in the future will be fresh, sweet, white silver queen corn, vine ripen tomatoes, string beans a.k.a. snap beans, and, my very best friends (who I will eat with no remorse), CRABS!!!!!

Summer means family reunions, graduations,  and church revivals.  The time of  kids running underfoot, the card table set up for either pinochle or rook, with trash talking, great music, and great food.

And you know there will be fried soft shelled, and steamed crabs; this is what pure joy is about.

Pictured is a nice little nosh created by someone with the touch.  Read here  about where you can get something “somewhere in Weemz” incredible creations by the interesting Craige Gaskins, a descendant of watermen who harvested the waters of Virginia and the Gulf of Mexico.

Visit Craige’s Facebook page for more drool worthy photos.

Now only if I could have a Northern Neck Ginger Ale in the mix! 

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